My first impression from the book is good, because it is not difficult to read so I can understand a lot and I have not look up for every word. And I think it would be interesting, because from the English lessons I know many things of Australia. And in chapter one the young man Alex wants to fly to his dad in Australia!
Hello Julia, the book is intressting 'cause it's easy to read? I think this isn't a really convincing aspect, or? Your first post was very short, I think .. why? If there was one aspect that was intressting or surprised for you write it down in the 2nd post, pls. What I will tell you, write about your reactions, idea's you had while you read it and if there are some questions, write them down. see you tomorrow, prillii
1 Kommentar:
Hello Julia,
the book is intressting 'cause it's easy to read? I think this isn't a really convincing aspect, or? Your first post was very short, I think .. why? If there was one aspect that was intressting or surprised for you write it down in the 2nd post, pls.
What I will tell you, write about your reactions, idea's you had while you read it and if there are some questions, write them down.
see you tomorrow,
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